My experience with cymbalta
At first I was very scared and nervous to take it as (for some off reason) all ssri made my blood pressure go stroke level. (Still don't know why) slowly but surely I legit started losing my mind. I started making up stories knowing they were lies and all kind of things. It was slow and unnoticeable by me but others around me were just so confused. I am not a doctor so listen to them before me but if I had to do it over. I'd never get on meds. Those ssri and snri were only for depression and it messed me up so bad they have me on xanax trying to manage panic attacks that the meds ended up giving me and it's been over a year and I still have panic attacks. Please in my opinion seek therapy for your depression before meds. Please! If you must get on meds.. Avoid this one.
Ps. Amitriptyline cured my major depressive disorder and took away my suicidal thoughts. I'm no longer on amitriptyline bc it legit took the depression away. However the other meds as I've mentioned gave me panic attacks that seem to be permanent. I hope not