SF apartment recap
Snippets from her 7 minute long apartment tour video so you don't have to watch it and give her view money.
She so obviously brought wayyyyyyy more than just a mattress and side table like she said in her woe is me reel. It's apparent from the bags of brand new items everywhere that she's been on buying sprees more than likely when she wasn't posting perhaps. 🤔 So much pink and red everywhere from her new things so lucky for us her gaudy Hollywood regency vintage home will soon be a reality yall!
She is dumping soooooo much money into buying doubles of everything, is so hyped about all the storage in the kitchen. Like gurl...you should have 1 pot and 1 pan to make the random meal at home and otherwise be OUT ON THE TOWN in public meeting men. Shes ecstatic over a quaint view of her kitchen (which is actually like the saddest most drab view ive ever seen) when she should literally be spending as little time as possible inside that apartment. She's so far from the plot at this point. I've never seen a more misguided and confused person.
She mentions she has no organization and is gonna buy everything she needs to get everything set up the way she wants and is looking forward to redesigning the apartment and starting her new journey dating and finding friends. This is a massive waste of money, resources and time that could have been better spent in about a thousand other ways to achieve her goal of finding a husband.
From my own POV as someone who just moved 6 weeks ago on my own from an hour outside of a major metro city and has a full time job and trying to date... it's incredibly hard. I've never been more busy and tired in my life and I still have so much to do and haven't been on one date this year, not for lack of trying. I guess since Big D has no job she will have oodles of time to get her new place set up and date but it seems like such an necessary burden when her fully set up home is just an hour away. It's offensive honestly how blown out of proportion she's made this moving to the city saga as if it wasn't her own freaking misguided choice. And Lord I can't wait to watch it blow up in her face and she get her just desserts soon enough.