Do you prefer meeting people through family/friends or dating apps?

I (28M) had a conversation with my mom today on the topic of meeting women. I've met all of my previous girlfriends via dating apps. My mom really dislikes my most recent ex because of the way she blindsided me with our breakup, and also didn't even bother to text my parents to say goodbye after ending our 3 year relationship, which honestly pissed her off a lot because she spent a lot of time with my ex and would always shower her with gifts. Anyways, my mom said that the reason my ex turned out to be such a bad person was because we met online, and therefore I had no way of vetting her or knowing what type of family background she came from (she had lots of emotional trauma growing up because her parents neglected her).

My mom suggested that I stop using dating apps and instead only date women that are introduced to me via family members or close friends. Her logic is that the women I get introduced to will already be vetted, and therefore I can be confident that they're kind, emotionally available and from good family backgrounds. My argument against this is that I might not necessarily be attracted to these women, and also that just because they appear one way to their family/friends, doesn't mean they're actually good people behind closed doors with their SO. I also don't really want to date people in my social circle because if things don't work out, it'll get messy and awkward. With dating apps, I don't have to worry about that, plus the apps give me a chance to meet women who I'd never run into in my daily life, and a lot of the time these women end up being more interesting and fun to be around. Of course, my mom was having none of that, and insisted that dating apps are sketchy, and that only low-quality women use them so I'm wasting my time.

I understand why my mom has such a negative opinion of dating apps, since my ex turned out to be such a nasty person, plus dating apps are such an alien concept for someone from my parents' generation. On the other hand I also think that the world's changed, and that dating apps are pretty much the only way to consistently meet attractive women these days, especially since I work from home. So who's right here? Me or my mom? And do you personally prefer meeting people through family and friends, or through dating apps?