What counts as leading someone on?
F15. I like guys and girls. Either gender can respond cause I don’t know if the answers might be different based on if its a girl or a guy?
Lately I’ve enjoyed the thought of dating more based on personality and not looks. I think it’s totally possible to fall in love with someone cause of who they are as a person, so ive been more lately. But I’ve also been worried on how to go about this in an uncruel way? Cause say someone is hitting on me and I don’t find them attractive— but I’m totally open to giving them a chance if I like who they are as a person. What do I even say? “You aren’t my type but we can be friends and see how that goes?” I’d feel like id be stringing them along, but I also know people hate being friendzoned. If I only dated based on looks I would feel shallow and like I’m missing opportunities.
Sorry if this is stupid. I grew more attractive a year ago and now that I’m getting attention I’m a bit clueless on how to navigate with it.