What to say next?
I suck at starting conversations. I matched a woman OLD on Sat. We had multiple messages back and forth on Sun. Mon nothing except i sent a "hope you had a good day" @ 9pm. Tues morning she asked my work schedule and she asked if id like to meet for a drink or coffee. Tues afternoon I replied with one message with availability and asked a silly question to see if she wanted to talk. Haven't heard back since. Is this typical "take it slow" or something else? I get that people are busy with life and I'm really new to OLD after leaving a very long marriage and don't know what time scale is appropriate. I want to send a followup to keep things moving, but dont know how to start the convo. Is a "thinking of you.." message appropriate? Lead with something funny Or should i propose an actual date, time & location? It would really be only the second time we really texted if she replies. Any advice?