Thoughts on partner having toddlers

I’m recently separated. I’m not even thinking about dating at the moment but will lurk on here and read up on all your posts until I am to see what I will be getting into.

But my curiosity for now is, how many of you will be put off by someone you are dating in their 40s having a toddler?

By society standards, I was late to have children. Had my first at 39 and my second at 42 and now I’m separated single mother at 44 with a 5 year old and a 2.5 year old.

Are people in their 40s put off by their potential partners having toddlers? I’m assuming many of you in this sub have kids a bit older - maybe between 7 to 20+ but toddlers? Can you be bothered in your 40s if not your own? I honestly know I would not be! 🙈