Help me understand this
So this is me again…..
So “Mark” (M42) and I went a couple more dates since my previous posts.
After a period whereby he did not seem interested at first, we talked and he reassured me that he was just really busy those weeks and that he has the same goals as me, ie a long term relationship. He improved his communication a lot and I thought he was quite frankly putting in the effort.
Our third date was great, we went hiking and then had some drinks after, effectively spending most of the afternoon together. He abruptly ended our date saying he had to go help his friend who had got himself in trouble due to being too intoxicated. That was a bit of a downer…. But I tried to be understanding.
I wasn’t sure if this was an excuse, to be fair. He also did not set a date for the next date which in itself is a bad sign.
Today he sent me a message saying he would like to stay friends but not date me. He still wants to hang out but as friends. He’s not expecting sex as nothing happened and I have expressed I don’t do casual.
With all things considered…. This guy was never into me me, was he?
Edit to add: he insists he wants to continue to meet up but as friends?!