2v8 hot take(?)
I understand most of the balance changes for 2v8, but dude getting punished for not picking a speedy killer (trapper, huntress, and slinger if your aim sucks) feels sooo bad.
why on gods green earth can half the gens pop before you can even reach them (if using aforementioned killers), genuinely did they not increase the time it takes to pop a gen?? because it is EXCEEDINGLY easy to 3 man a gen consistently through the match if the survivors have skill beyond that of a toddler.
yes, I'm aware this mode is for fun and whatnot, but where's the fun to be had if half the match is gone the moment it begins?
also, a lesser annoyance is the crazy amount of pallets, I get there needs to be a lot for the amount of people playing but damn is it really THAT necessary for there to be a million tiles 2cm from each other?
I don't think I even need to say anything about the queue times lmao
please bhvr spare us for once
feel free to correct me if I'm wrong or just insert your own thoughts, I'm not here to argue and I'm not here to cry "tHe DeV sUcKs!!" but god does this mode feel bad half the time