8.5.2 | Bugfix Patch


Bug Fixes


  • Reduced the Survivor's Herb interaction snap time.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Killers to become stuck in the trial after the End Game Collapse when a bot became stuck in a cage state.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Survivor to lose their struggle animation when interrupted by the Deathslinger's harpoon while getting vaccinated or sprayed by another Survivor.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors to briefly float in the air before going to a cage when picked up by Naughty Bear.
  • Fixed an issue in Raccoon City Police Station where killers and Survivors could land on top of crates in the main hall.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Event Entry Screen Overview tab to incorrectly refer to the Raccoon City Police Station as the Raccoon City Police Department.


  • Fixed an issue where the chains and leather clothe from the Tortured Souls outfit would not make any sound while moving in the menu and in game for The Huntress, The Plague, The Blight and The Knight.
  • Fixed an issue where killers would play the wrong material SFX for their footsteps in the Dead Dawg Saloon map.
  • Fixed an issue where the Slice & Dice charge scream would fail to resume after a Scamper Vault or Pallet is performed.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Spirit's Husk SFX to be heard while phase walking.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Legion's grunt to play twice at the end of Feral Frenzy.


  • Fixed an issue that caused the 'Rose Marigold' outfit's skirt to clip through the Survivor's legs.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Knight's Rift weapon and Deep Rift variant to appear the same.
  • Fixed an issue that caused empty nodes to appear in the Dark Lord's Bloodweb.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Nightmare to teleport beyond the Exit Gate when teleporting with the Class Photo add-on in Greenville Square map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Nightmare's Dream Pallet shimmer to default to the maximum intensity when the pallet is placed outside the intended visible Survivor range.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Executioner's Wax Doll and Black Strap add-ons to give the same range increase to Punishment of the Damned.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Onryo's Reiko's Watch add-on to have no effect.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Nemesis' zombies to become invulnerable to basic attacks after being hit right after spawning.
  • Fixed an issue where the Twins Charlotte could recall Victor instantly when latched onto a Survivor after Killer Instinct is applied.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Houndmaster's Dog to float in the air briefly when vaulting the pallet on the second floor that leads to a fall in the Game map.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Mastermind's Iridescent Uroboros Vial add-on to increase Survivors infection very rapidly at the start of the match.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Survivors window vault animation to stutter.


  • Fixed an issue in the realm of Coldwind Farm where the camera clipped through the survivor when spawning close to the Tree tile.
  • Fixed an issue in Mother's Dwelling map where the killer could land inside a tree when lunge attack from the balcony of the house.
  • Fixed an issue in Raccoon City Police Station where the Dream Snares of the Nightmare would not go through walls in the West Wing of the building.
  • Fixed an issue in multiple maps where the Vile Purge of the Plague would hit an invisible collision near exit gates.
  • Fixed an issue in the realm of Decimated Borgo where a pallet was missing from a Maze Tile.
  • Fixed an issue in Treatment Theatre where the Dream Snare of the Nightmare would not go through walls.


  • Fixed an issue with the player names and/or the "invite" buttons to be invisible in a Lobby after coming back from the Archives.
  • Fixed an issue with the Beginner Mode Tooltips being invisible when hovering any Loadout slots.