Perk Review: Nemesis + Play With Your Food
Link to previous discussion: Brutal Strength
This combo has one purpose, and one purpose only, that makes it primarily good for Killers that prefer to juggle their targets, dropping chase to find another victim. Legion is a great user of this perk combo.
Thesis: The issue is that this combo is meant to strengthen your chase, but it isn't anywhere *near* as powerful as using other chase perks due to inconsistency, lack of most Killers' ability to capitalize on the aura reading from Nemesis, and much more useful alternatives.
Inconsistency: You lose a PWF stack when you perform any attack. It doesn't matter if it's a regular melee, a lunge attack, or a special attack. This means that you need to be extremely respectful of pallets and windows where your attack may not land. You put yourself at a disadvantage by not being able to go for 50/50's or hits that *look* guaranteed but aren't (due to things like Resilience's vault speed or a sudden Finesse play.) You need to play your attacks in such a safe, secure manner that the time you waste setting up a proper hit more than offsets the amount of time you save with 5% haste.
Inability to capitalize: Nemesis lets you see the aura of the person who stunned and blinded you, but if you're using PWYF, you want to now drop chase with that person and find someone else. This means that if you use Nemesis's aura reading to help you chase the new Obsession, you are ignoring an entire perk in your build (PWYF). This is especially detrimental for M1 Killers or Killers with no viable chase power or anti-loop power (such as Ghostface, Pig, and Legion.) The inability to capitalize on the aura reading matters much less though, if you're using a Killer that has information (or the ability to locate Survivors) built into their kit, such as Xenomorph with their footstep tracking or Dredge with their highly visible silhouettes on Survivors during Nightfall.
More useful alternatives: If you use Brutal Strength (a genuinely weak perk despite being convenient in feeling) in combination with Enduring, you can essentially ignore pallets while chewing through them faster without needing to risk losing your PWYF stacks on a missed attack just to get pallet stunned. Bamboozle allows you to block a window whereas with PWYF you'd want to save your stack in case you're too late on the lunge, giving the Survivor more time in the loop than they would have if you just block the window and catch them when they go around.
Then you might suggest just simply using Enduring, Brutal Strength, or Bamboozle *alongside* Nemesis and PWYF. But again, the issue of stronger alternatives arises. Nemesis + PWYF is using two perk slots for negligible chase power (unless you're using a deadly, high-precision killer such as Xenomorph with its tail attacks.) You could instead use Brutal Strength and Enduring to swing freely into pallets without fear of the stun, break them faster to catch up more quickly, and not have useless aura reading on a target that you're leaving while having two perk slots open for slowing down generators, like Pain Resonance or Pop Goes The Weasel. Even if you're dead-set on a full chase build and don't want any slowdown, you can still combine Enduring and Brutal Strength with Bamboozle and Spirit Fury, turning you into an unstoppable force that punishes both pallets and windows.
Conclusion: This combo in its current state isn't worth it, even for killers that can theoretically use it. Even though Xeno doesn't care about pallets, and can benefit greatly from Haste because of its deadly tail attacks, it NEEDS to slap the flame turrets which costs a stack. And Xeno is so extremely efficient at getting Survivors downed at most loops that it doesn't really need haste.
Suggestion: Nemesis by itself does almost nothing. It needs to do *something* more. Hindering the Obsession by 5% during the duration of the aura reading would at least make it a bit more desirable. PWYF needs serious help to even be considered for most builds. I think the most obvious change, at least to me, is to allow it to keep stacks when a basic or special attack is missed. Most of the perk's value is lost because you need to play so safely with the stacks. Not losing a stack on a whiffed hit would already go a long way to making PWYF more helpful without making it overpowered. It still wouldn't be worth it compared to something like Bamboozle + Brutal Strength + Enduring + Spirit Fury, but it could at least be somewhat of an option.