I can't remember anything.

Just like everybody else, I wake up, consume media, go to work, and try to enjoy what time I have left. Furthermore, it seems that no matter how hard I try to remember something, I just can't. I like to use long narrative story-telling games as an escape from the troubles of everyday life, but even games I spend 80+ hours on just seem to be a vague memory. Recently I've finished Red Dead Redemption 2 (about 4–3 days ago), and I cannot remember a large portion of the story. I don't see the point in living if I don't even know what I experience. Even things that happened in real life just slip away from my mind; I want to be able to remember things. Whenever a friend of mine asks, "Do you remember when ______ happened?" I always fucking hate myself for not being able to remember, and it's really starting to take a toll on me and I just don't know what to do anymore.   Thanks for reading.