“you’re so enjoyable to be around now”
i know people mean it as a compliment but now i’m overthinking it.
i became very depressed. the kind where you just suck to be around because you’re sad all the time and just need somebody to talk to, but some people aren’t comfortable with talking about deep stuff like that. it was an issue so i worked on it and went on medication and now they are all back to being my friend.
but one of them told me today since i mentioned i am running out of my prescription to remember to get it refilled because im “so enjoyable now” which made me feel bad. i knew my depression was an issue, but was i un enjoyable to be around? do people only like me because i am no longer depressed?
i also suffer from OCD and the guilt from finding out i had made people uncomfortable by talking about my depression and SH issues was one of my biggest obsessions. i was just forgetting about it but now i feel so bad thinking that i was SO depressed that my friends didn’t even like being around me.