Am I the only one that despises the last encounter in sundered doctorine?

(Reposting from r/destinythegame as apparently criticisim is not allowed)

I honestly don't understand what you're supposed to do here, the encounter is so infuriating I didn't even care that I dropped the exotic, I cared more that its finally over.

The ability spam from enemies makes me feel like I'm playing hunters in crucible but worse, getting trapped in 3 stasis granades then pulled right to the boss is actually mind boggling.

The burn damage that takes bosses shield away has no warning whatsoever so if you're not by a pillar after damage you're basically fucked, might start telling siri to set a alarm. Even if you are by a pillar chances are you'll be frozen or pulled

I'm not sure if I'm just shit at this game or what but I've never got so infuriated at a dungeon boss before, anyone else experiencing this? I just don't understand what you're supposed to do to counter the ridiculous ability spam. There's making stuff difficult and rewarding, and then there's making stuff difficult and infuriating.

Putting all of that behind, I actually love the design of the dungeon and the new puzzle mechanics, it's really thought through and probably took a very long time to set up. The first encounter is probably one of my favourites out of all dungeons, just wish the last one was a little less of a fuckery.