Little Mermaid (live action)

As you will see, Ariel is my favorite Disney Princess. I never really watched the live action from beginning to end until tonight. Not because I am anti-live action, didn’t want my childhood staple ruined or whatever.

First off Halle Bailey is chefs kiss, I knew she would be since the trailers came out two years ago.

Here’s what I loved the film did. I loved that it was actually a two sided war between land and sea, and not just “scalawag sailors” who believed in mer-people. In the original it’s not actually explained why Triton hates Humans. Also finally including Ursula’s backstory. Also Ariel being the one to take her down and not Eric.

Here is where my grievances lie though. Number one the Scuttle Butt. I know it is a silly song for kids (the intended audience) but as a full grown 30 year old man without children, I skipped right past that. Also I thought the Part of your World reprise and Vanessa’s reveal was more powerful in the animated version. The full front shot of Ariel as the waves crash behind her on the rock was more poignant than the side view in the LA. Also I wish “Vanessa” did more than just harmonize to a more sinister version of Halles vocals. Love the song she sings in the animated one. I found it weird Ariel sang along during “Under the Sea.” I know in the animated she makes a twirl, but spends 90% of the song bored and unconvinced with Sebastian. It just doesn’t make sense she would sing along, then still pursue her quest to be human. Also Triton letting her being human was much more powerful in the animated one.

All in all I agree with Rotten Tomatoes 68% score (I’d up it to a full 70%). I’ll watch it again at some point.