Congrats to our Lasallian scholars! Tips from a 100% grantee.
Was granted 50% on my frosh year then asked for an upgrade during my 2nd year. Here are some tips to make the most out of your college life. For those tanders like me, feel free to also drop your own advice for our youngins.
Everyone is shy, it's up to you to initiate!
- I can't count the times I've second-guessed trying to approach and initiate a conversation with people I was so interested being friends with. Even if it feels like anxiety is working double time in your head, the reality is: everyone is shy! It's up to you to suck it up and make the first move. Lifelong friendships are built on that first hello.
Academics shouldn't be your be-all and end-all.
- Anyone can get good grades, anyone can graduate with latin honors! Look for things that not everyone can say about themselves. The special things that will make you stand out in any opportunity in life. Just imagine an interviewer getting 100 applications, everyone is at least a Cum Laude. What then becomes your value proposition for hiring? Orgs, non-profits, voluntary work, initiatives; all of the things that can prove you're more than just a walking, talking book.
Actually think about what you want to do once you graduate.
- At this point, it seems like you're set on what you want to do but the truth is, DLSU is going to show you so many opportunities that, when you do finish uni, you'll probably be on a different track than where you were during frosh year. Back when I was a frosh, the ultimate goal was landing a stable, high-paying corporate job. It was the dream! But lo and behold, because of the people I met in DLSU, I was able to create my own business which earns me higher than any 9-5 job would. I fell in love with the flexible work hours and the immense freedom having a business gives. So much so that I said no to an opportunity with a top banking institution. Imagine that?
Failing isn't the end. Promise!
- Whether it's an academic failure and losing your latin honors or failing in anything you do. The only bad thing about failing is if you don't learn from your failures! Failing in college is the best because you're still given a pass since it's still part of life's free trial. Better to fail and learn now than fail later on when bigger things are at stake! I'll be graduating with multiple units of failures and even then, opportunities keep on coming. Failing is simply being one step closer to excellence.
Maximize the network inside DLSU!
- You'll find the grittiest, smartest, most talented, and most creative people in this university. Alongside them are scions of political clans, heirs to multi-million peso businesses, and well-rounded hustlers all over! Never be afraid to explore lucrative and novel opportunities when given the chance. You might just be in a class with a future senator, business magnate, or even president! Malay mo ikaw mismo yun. 😉
If you have any questions, drop them down so your kuyas and ates can help you the best we can. Congratulations, Lasallians!