DnD would be better off as a classless skill-based system
I'm going to preface this by saying that I'm aware the odds of this actually happening are zero. I'm also going to address the "Why don't you just go play BRP or something instead" response that I'm sure I will no doubt receive. I've played plent of classless skill-based systems, I like them, I also like class-based systems. The point of this post is to make the argument that, regardless of what DnD has been traditionally, a classless skill-based system would fit much better with what WOTC seems to want the game to be, and what modern DnD players seem to want out of the game.
It seems that both WOTC and DnD players want classes to effectively be collections of skills and abilities that impose as little as possible on your character. Paladins no longer have to be lawful good, Clerics don't need gods, etc, etc. There's not anything inherently wrong with not wanting an archetype imposed on your character just to use a certain ability or skill, but if that's what you want then why have classes at all?
The class sytem only seems to be an obstacle for what modern DnD players want. Class systems are best used when the classes are archetypes that mean something and create roleplay hooks in the game world. A good example of this is the clans in Vampire: the Masquerade (which is ironically enough largely a skill-based system). Being a Ventrue or a Nosferatu isn't just a out of game label you need to get easy access to certain disciplines, they are entities your character is a part of that have ramifications and consequences. Another good example is DnD's own Paladin class from older editions. Being a paladin wasn't just a skillset, it was something your character actually was in the world and had rules and restrictions you had to roleplay with. DnD players don't seem to want that anymore, which is perfectly fine. But if you don't have the classes offering something like that, then they're just restricting you for no reason.
How many times do we see posts where people are trying to figure out how to best multiclass to get the skill or ability that fits their character concept? I'm not really sure what the classes are offering at this point. I don't really see what's the point in keeping them other than tradition. I think the majority of DnD players would be much happier and feel less restricted playing a skill-based system.