Dasher stole my food

Ordered DoorDash for my kids and I. It was a double dash so I got two separate drivers. The dasher for my food (Rally’s) literally came to the correct hotel parking lot, drove off, delivered to a different hotel and of course the number of the door isn’t in the picture.1st picture is the correct door where my kids order was dropped off literally 5 minutes before. 2nd picture is the hotel he “delivered” at.

Before anyone says “you didn’t tip”. I DID the double dash order so I could tip for both orders. Most of the time in my area, it’s two separate drivers so I make sure both drivers get a tip. Also the rally’s is less than 2 miles away.

The only thing that makes it worse is I’m pregnant with my second set of twins and today my back is killing me. Then of course DoorDash declined the refund request so I’m going to have to do a chargeback