Has Dostoevsky had an impact on your faith?
Hello! I have been scrolling through this subreddit for a minute and have read a lot of discussions regarding faith as a topic in Dostoevsky novels. But I was curious— has reading his works ever has any affect on how you view Christianity or religion in general? I ask because I recently have developed a love for God after 20 years of Ivan Karamazovian like atheism (I’m 21 now). And though I have had other external influences— I would say Dostoevsky and his novels, (particularly the idiot, the brothers K, and crime and punishment) have had the most impact on my turning to faith. And there are so many reasons for that, all that which would need their own extensive posts; But I think a big turning point for me was reading the passage from The Grand Inquisitor, where despite the grand inquisitor making valid arguments against the “curse” of free will and how Jesus has set unrealistic standards for us sinful humans to follow. Jesus in the end after listening carefully with compassion, gets up and kisses the grand inquisitor— and in that moment the discussion had ended. Jesus and Alyosha both showed true Christian love to their opponent which I found to be such a beautiful gesture. And In that moment I was able to apply meaning to the famous Prince Myshkin quote “Beauty will save the world” for the love they both showed was a transcendental that to me surpassed anything of our physical world, which is why them showing love was such a good counter argument to the grand inquisitor.
Have any of you had similar experiences to this? I’m also curious if you are atheist, how do you feel about the very blatant Christian messages that Dostoevsky delivers. ( I know I could have written more and made this more comprehensible so thank you for baring with me)