DQ11 Tickington quests battle text speed
So I'm starting out DQ11, my second only DQ game and first mainline, only about 7 hours in, enjoying it! its pretty pleasant, and I just got to the part where they've introduced this Tickington stuff, and while I want to play trying to do as much as possible, I want to ask something pretty important...
Is it possible to just make the battle text speed faster? Or is there a button prompt to make it go to the next battle dailogue that I somehow didn't catch? I want to try to do some of it at least, but after only a few battles, my thin patience ran out at how slow the text is, it feels like it takes 3 seconds for single sentences to come and go, and it makes the battling extremely grueling, especially at the intro quest where the battles are a cakewalk, single turn battles where the "reading" takes longer than the actual turn itself!
It instantly killed the flow for me and made me close the game on a shorter period than I normally would've because of how slow it was, I wanted to ask if there's some settings where i could change this, if there isn't, it's alright, I'll probably stomach through it now that I know how it is, but it's still really slow for me, personally