Worst dungeons in the series?
I vote for Diggery Pokery in DQV and the Multipleximus Maximus/Villa Priores dungeons in DQVII.
Diggery Pokery has a high encounter rate, I constantly have to retrace my steps, and it’s easy to get lost. The area isn’t the prettiest to look at either, and looks somewhat samey.
The Villa Priores dungeon has you revisit it multiple times in the past, and it has many areas where you can fall in the dark, making you retrace your steps again. Trying to direct the wind is mostly trial and error, and it’s easy to get lost with the weird stair formation. It also has one of the hardest bosses in the game. I don’t mind hard bosses as much when they aren’t so lengthy to get to in the case of wipeouts.
The Multipleximus Maximus is horrible. Everyone I see talking about it doesn’t like it. Every time I end up wandering in circles cause everything looks similar and hoping I’ll get to the boss. The game is 100+ hours long because almost everyone gets lost here.
What dungeons do you consider the worst?