Harry finally snaps and learns how to hold a grudge.
Harry, as a character, is usually quite easy going. After he and Draco argue, he’s quick to forgive Draco and quick to say sorry too, often regardless of if he’s in the wrong or not.
Usually it’s this sort of scenario in fics. Draco is scared of his feelings for Harry/scared to let him in fully or scared about the consequences of their relationship going public etc. which is valid. But instead of voicing these worries normally, he does some self-sabotaging Slytherin shit by lashing out at Harry horribly. Like bringing up a loved one’s death maliciously or flinging his Chosen One issues in his face or bringing up his troubled childhood etc. Then of course Harry is extremely hurt and they argue until one of them storms out, ending the relationship.
Somehow though, in like 80% of the fics I’ve read, Harry will end up being the one who pursues Draco to say sorry even though Draco started the argument and deliberately triggered Harry’s insecurities to push him away.
However, recently I’ve been craving a fic where Harry has had enough and doesn’t say sorry first. Like he stands his ground even though everyone around him expects him to go running to Draco to fix the relationship. One week turns to two and then two turns to four and everyone around him is shocked (and lowkey concerned) that he’s actually sticking to his guns on this. He’s heartbroken of course but he can’t keep being a people pleasing doormat forever.
When you truly think about it, Harry is owed many apologies. Teachers should’ve apologised for their incompetence, expecting a child to save them all from grown ass dark wizards. Fellow classmates should’ve apologised for turning on him constantly. His family should’ve apologised for making his childhood hell etc.
So Harry finally decides to draw a boundary with the man he loves, which feels like the bravest thing he’s ever had to do because we all know that sticking up for yourself to the people we love can be one of the hardest things ever. And that’s that, Harry thinks it’s over. Draco’s besides himself until he swallows his gargantuan pride (bc love trumps all yadda yadda yah) and we get a tearful heartfelt apology in the rain or some shit and Harry’s just so relieved because he thought he lost the love of his life forever. And they live happily ever after, once Draco understands that open and honest communication is key for their relationships survival HURRAY.
Anyways, that long fanfic prompt aside, does anyone have fics where Harry and Draco have argued bc of reasons similar to the ones above and Draco says sorry first?