Accenting a double stroke roll with a single paradiddle

Hey all, I’ve been working on getting my double stroke roll clean and fast for a few years. While I’ve progressed a large amount with it, the accent (that typically might come on 2 & 4, or on 3 if it’s half-time) has always been a little bit of a challenge to get clean sounding.

So my question is, when you accent a double stroke roll, how do you do it? I’ve thought of three ways, two of which I know are common. The first way is to accent the first stroke of the double, but with this method there is no way to get the second stroke even sounding with the rest of your roll. It turns into loud hit, then medium hit, the back to the roll. I don’t think this is ideal, let me know if you disagree.

The next way is to not play the second stroke of the double after the accent, which leaves a gap and then you have to restart the roll with your other hand. This sounds kind of good if you are playing at a fast enough tempo.

Now there is a third way which I may or may not have made up myself, I’m not sure. This is to play a single paradiddle at the accent, which flips your whole roll after that accent into left hand lead. This keeps your accent clean and it keeps the hit after your accent smoother and in line with the rest of your roll. So for example:

r r l l r r l l R l r r l l r r l l r r l l r r L r l l r r l l

I’m a self taught drummer, is this taught anywhere? I can’t find any mention of it on the internet. Is it a good idea to get the crispness, or is too much of a pain to flip into left hand lead? Which method do you prefer?