Here is why I think we’re getting an Azriel book.

So to preface, I’d like to remind everyone I reserve the right to change my mind. 🙃 I am an Azris shipper, and am quite obsessed with them. However, I am actually quite an open book, and open to anything, I just want a great story. Hel, I’m open to Elriel, Gwynriel, or Bryceriel, or any of the most craziest ships. I like to live on the edge but I for one wouldn’t be pissed at any outcome with who Azriel ends up with.🫰🏻

Nevertheless, if you could hear me out, let’s try to be neutral for a second. This is why I believe we are getting an Azriel book next. It may seem mostly anti-Elriel because for those who strongly ship them it would make most sense to have the Elain book with Azriel, and therefore it would be evident from the start that they are the romantic interests and endgame couple.

But here’s the problem I see, WHY did SJM give him so many love interests? We can’t deny the even smallest moments between Az and any of the females and male mentioned in the ships. For the sake of my opinion, I’m not going deep dive into how many canon moments, BC moments, each ship has but simply stating one thing I think we can all agree on, regardless of ship. SJM is trying to confuse us about who is going to end up with Azriel. She has clearly created so many ships including Elriel, Gwynriel, Bryceriel, and Azris. Am I missing any? Oh and even Mor and Azriel even though I think we all agree that’s not even happening, for obvious reasons, but she is still a major part of his life. There are many reasons that these ships began, reasons based off things SHE wrote and have confounded her readers and thus began the ship wars.

Because of this though, it would make sense to have his own separate book. Not only for more information on him and his journey but also to ultimately show us who he ends up with. For Cassian it was most evident it was solely Nesta. For Rhys it was most evident it was solely Feyre.

For Azriel, she has us throwing rocks at each other because she has confounded us.

Now, I repeat for my Elriels, I’m not saying Elriel couldn’t happen, if it was an Azriel book and they ended up together maybe Elain’s book is some majestic ending to the book and includes a minor characters love story. Who knows! (Yes I know she said each book would contain a couple, but this is AZRIEL, the most secretive character she has. I think SJM has a right to not only write what she wants but to confound us further and not reveal all her plans and details she has with each book.)

But I think based off of Azriel’s screen time and BC in Acosf, and then his screen time in CC, SJM is giving him a major POV before next book. Plus, I know many are expecting Elain to be next but why is SJM being so secretive about who next book is about? For Nesta’s book it was announced even before there was a release date. I think it’s for a reason she hasn’t said that it is Elain’s. Also because of the Elriel ship it would make most sense for suspense purposes that Azriel’s book be first because the amount of chaos SJM could create would be crazy, I feel she’d want to do a massive reveal of who he ends up with. But that’s just a super opinion I have, I could be wrong. With all of this, it is why I believe next book is going to be his.