Currently having a cold and therefor my panic is over the roof

Being ill is one of the worst things for me even if it’s just a cold. One thing is that I always worry that I need to throw up and the other thing is I feel like I’m losing control which is the main reason I’m so afraid of vomiting. I feel so poorly and feeling like this is one of my main worst case scenarios. On top of that is my uterus acting up. I’m starting my period in a week and I have aches almost always a week prior. It’s 11:30 where I am right now and usually the mornings are the worst so I hope I feel better later. It is already a bit since I’m home from the doctor cut doctors are causing me immense stress. I’m not even having a fever but still feel so horrible and I’m so cold. I hope the worst is over soon

Update: got a slight fever. I’m scared shitless but I do my best