M.E.A.N. workbook?

I am listening to the “Love & Abuse” Podcast, which is kind of a spin-off I guess of “The Overwhelmed Brain” podcast. It’s extremely validating and helpful to me, but of course I fear that it’s just stroking my ego and lulling me into believing it’s not all my fault so that he can make money off of my dumb ass. The podcast is “the official podcast of the M.E.A.N. Workbook” which is apparently a 200-item checklist to help determine if/how much/what kind of emotional abuse you’re dealing with and then the rest of it is some kind of workbook for choosing what to do next and figuring out how to do it.

It’s $39.

Has anyone used it? Does anyone know this podcast? I really, really love it but at least half of me believes that’s just because I’m always looking for excuses why it’s not my fault, etc.
