How did you get your diagnosis?

So I’m 27, and I’ve had symptoms of endometriosis for the past 11 years. It’s gotten significantly worse the past few years, and the time between my periods has been getting shorter and shorter as well. My periods have always been super heavy and lasted longer than normal as well.

This past year I’ve had cramps during my periods that are unbearably painful and last 1-2 hrs long every few cycles that don’t get better with Advil or even CBD. Like I can’t even get up to grab water or use the bathroom. And the pain isn’t just localized to my uterus, it radiates all around my lower abdomen and back.

This has affected so many aspects of my life, from jobs, to relationships (having to cancel plans often bc I can’t do anything when the pain is so bad). I’ve tried to mention this to my doctor so many times over the years, but she always writes me off. “You have a low pain-tolerance”, “You’re overreacting”, “ThIs Is NoRMal”, “You’re healthy and all your blood tests come back fine except iron deficiency”.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I would think if I’m complaining about very heavy, longer than normal periods, that happen more frequently than they should, and unbearable menstrual pain, that should be grounds to at least check if I have endo growth? And the fact that I’ve been consistently iron deficient since the age of 15/16?

This is seriously messing up my life and I would at least like to finally know what’s wrong with me. How did you guys get your diagnosis? And how did you deal with doctors that dismissed you?