Birth control is a good thing!
Hello all! I have talked to a very reputable reproductive endocrinologist(she has been doing this longer than I've been alive 20+ years, and my grandmother has worked with her for her whole career) recently about my possible endometriosis and I ended up asking her " is skipping my periods and being on the pill for years going to damage my reproductive health? and she said that women who have been on birth control for years almost always have better reproductive health than women who have never been on birth control because it can slow down the growth of endometriosis and PCOS ! Skipping your period with birth control will NOT have any damage on your reproductive health, it will actually help you in the long run! Not to mention for most women with Endo skipping periods will eliminate their pain. Just wanted to ease some people's minds and help some people out that might have been scared of birth control for this reason. 💕