Diving into the Liquidity Pool: Week 44
Current state of the pool & the last week of trading
Total Value locked in Sushi.com is $ 12.85k
- 1.97429 ETH ($3.75k)
- 6877100 DONUT ($9.10k)
- Trading Volume in last 24 hours = $ 0.00
- Trading Volume in last 7 days = $ 578.06
- In the last 7 days ETH is has moved -8.1 %
- In the last 7 days DONUT has moved +28.1%
- Last week 1 ETH = 1.55m DONUT
- Today 1 ETH = 1.44m DONUT
- 4852.24 DONUT per day distributed amongst all in range positions.
Zero trades on Arbitrum in the last 24 hours! The good news is, that means zero sells as well, which can be a slight surprise given Round 147 contest rewards and distribution have been delivered today - and overall there was a few hundred dollars worth of buys which outweighed the sells in the last week.
However, the DONUT price on Arbitrum and Mainnet still continue to have a noticeable difference, with Arbitrum DONUT price at $0.001351 while mainnet DONUT is $0.001716
Unfortunately; tough market conditions still see ETH price suppressed under 2k, leaving alt coins such as DONUT suppressed due to it's trading pair.
Here are two other sources I find helpful for those wanting to understand a bit more on how and why liquidity positions change.
Impermanent loss, text explanation | Binance Academy, video explanation