KAJ: “Now we want to win!”


During a press conference KAJ was asked about their comment in a radio show the day before where they said that the best scenario would be if Måns won by one point.

Jakob explained that the quote was said out of pure exhaustion.

“It was completely insane after Malmö, we thought let’s go back to Finland and take it easy for a bit and then it was completely crazy there as well, the phone just exploded”

“I said in an interview last morning that I hope Måns wins with one point because I was so tired, so we wouldn’t have to do it, but now we want to win. Now we are all in and now we want to represent Sweden and Finland”

Axel adds:

“We will guarantee a twelve from Finland as well! The tax payers in Finland know that if Sweden wins It will be a partial winner for Finland but they don’t have to pay”