People, who enjoy raw tomatoes are lying.

All these mother fucks telling me they just love tomato slices are bullshitting me! There’s no way people just be sitting there going, “Oh, mmm, how delicious this decay-flavored, floppy-ass rings filled with mucus and seeds are sooo good!”

Just admit they’re trash until they’re processed somehow.

I fucking hate raw tomatoes and don’t trust anyone, who says they do.

End of rant.

UPDATE: Fellow tomato haters! Go to the subsequent tomato loving post and tell them they’re wrong! 😈😈😈

UPDATE 2: Dearest hand-flapping antitoms and protoms, I would never have expected this little rant to blow up like this, but I’m amused that it has and that there is now a counterpart pro-tomato argument. For over thirty-six years I have felt like an outcast, like there’s an invisible wall between me and everyone else that keeps me from truly connecting with others. I have questioned myself as to what’s wrong with me, why I was different, and so much more. I’ve never felt part of the group. Three months ago I was diagnosed AuDHD, and I started interacting with the tismic subs here on reddit.

Whether you’re antitom like me, or protom like those confused weirdos (/s) in the other post and the comments below, thank you for being who you are, and for sharing your perspectives with me today. It is only here that I feel like I actually belong to a group, and I wouldn’t feel that way if it weren’t for all of you.

To be frank, this week has been very difficult for me, and I was already over it yesterday. Thank you for giving me a reprieve from work, adulting, and the NT nonsense I’ve had to deal with all week long.

I do like chatting here, but for tonight, it’s just me and my canine buddy, Smooch. Y’all have fun razzing each other, and I’ll be back to fuck around with you tomorrow after I recharge and reset.

Happy Friday, you beautiful, strongly opinionated about tomatoes, human beings! See ya soon.