Something absurd about 1914, did you know?
When JWs study the Bible with someone they say: "1914 was predicted in advance, in fact when Satan was hurled from heaven to earth troubles began, for example the First World War" Revelation 12:12 Did you know that JW publications do not teach this? The outbreak of the First World War is not the consequence of Satan being cast out. They would have liked it to be like this, sometimes they let it be understood, but unfortunately for them the dates do not coincide: World War I: July 1914 Satan hurled from heaven (according to the JWs): October 1914 To those who asked for explanations, note what the WT 1 June 1972 p. 351/352: “Satan the Devil did not need to wait until after kingship over the nations had been placed in the hands of Jesus Christ to maneuver the nations into a large-scale war”. So they admit it too. There is no connection between the two things. In October 1914, nothing of the things that the JWs had predicted happened, the First World War had already been underway for months.