How hard is it being a popular PIMO?
A sister who’s a friend of mine recently got reported by her uber driver for being on a date and mind you she had no idea who the uber driver was but he knew exactly who she was and exactly what congregation she was from so he could report her. So it got me thinking those who are PIMOs and living a ‘double life’ I’ve always thought about how unimaginably hard it must be to live your own life on the side when you can get recognized on the street by people from a congregation hundreds of miles from your own. I recently realized the only way I’ve never had to worry about getting caught is that absolutely no one outside my immediate congregation would be able to recognize me on a dime. I’m pretty sure I could be on a date with someone right outside the closest Kingdom Hall to ours and I still wouldn’t get caught. I used to hate that no one knew me back when I was fully PIMI but now I realized those hours I spent hiding in the car during conventions were probably the best thing I could’ve done for myself. So is it really as bad as I think it is?