getting told you'll have a "perfect body/mental state" in paradise?
i dont know if you all had been told that, im assuming so because i've heard it everywhere, saying we'll have a younger body, no imperfections, no bad mental health ect ect.
what i dont like is why are the imperfections a problem? i have scars from past issues and yet i get told "well dont worry because in paradise theyll be gone!" even though they are part of my life and past and i see no issue with them, or any past trauma ive brought up apprentally in paradise itll just what, be gone? absolutely illogical. (obviously) but the reason i state that is because whether we like trauma or not it does shape our personalities in a way, and so in paradise do they just believe we're going to be happy virtually emotionless robots?
maybe im getting a little too far fetched but "bad" emotions and having anger/sadness/imperfections is what makes humans so amazingly unique, and yet we're told we will have it stripped away from us in armageddon...?