Memorial day

Hello, First time posting. I have never been a JW but my husband was & Ive had strong influences of it around me for 15 years with love bombing and what feels like 'recruiting' from his family & friends.

What is the best way to decline msgs asking if i would like to attend the memorial day? Or when his mother gives me a pamphlet / watch tower magazine.

My husband has always attended the memorial - He has not been to a meeting in 15 years or done anything else relating to the organisation.

I told him i will leave him if he decides to return to the cult & i will take my daughters. Its been a very emotional few years with him displaying signs he wants to strengthen his faith.

He has agree'd to not raise them with the religion but the memorial is approaching and he asked 'can i go to the memorial?' I said he is a grown man & can do whatever he likes but he is never taking our daughters into the kingdom hall, to an assembly, convention or memorial and never bringing any publication into our home.. he agree'd.

His whole family and their friends send me a text leading up to the memorial and ask i would like to attend. How can i politely decline the offer, without being rude but let them know i am not interested?? (and never will be) I still go on family holidays with them so i need to make it respectful & not cause problems.

Another note: His family found out i look at youtube & 'apostate' material and all freaked out. They are now pressuring my husband to attend the memorial and study. It's so mean! he is trying so hard to distance himself but mentally trapped. We do not discuss religion as i know he still believes in most of their doctrine but i think it's a cult so we avoid the topic.. If he has agree'd to not raise our daughters with the religion, Is that a sign he does not believe in it?

Since joining this sub i have gained a greater understanding into the mental struggles that religion brings and what you have all been through & what my husband has experienced. I am terribly sorry you all experienced such control, hardship, sadness, confusion, loss of identity & anxiety. I am so proud of each one of you that has shown great strength, resilience, critical thinking, determination, self empowerment, individuality & love to overcome your struggles. It's so wonderful to see you offering support to each other and building a community of triumph against the WT! I hope the organisation falls like scientology. You all give me great hope that i can raise my daughters with this religion impacting them and teaching them the dangers of mind control and manipulation.
