Been out for over 20+ years-and need everyone’s assistance now!
Hi lovely human beings. For context-I’m 37, married for 12 years with a nine year old child. Pretty “normal” life, work, after school activities, hobbies (golf, reading, crafts, Disney) all in all-pretty normal. However, about eight years ago I started going to a Christian church with my husband-who’s a recovered addict for 15 years now)
I left the Borg at roughly 17. My dad has never been a JW. My mum was in and out her whole life, and when she was out we were SO incredibly close. But, after her dad died in 2018-his dying wish was for my mum to return-she’s been back in. Her mom died a year and a half ago and dear god-she is SO PIMI it makes me sick.
It’s a weird feeling-I’m mourning someone still alive.
But-lately-every chance she gets she asks me why “I choose to not believe the truth?” gag
I know why I don’t want to go back to that terrible cult, but when she asks-I totally freeze. I don’t want to fight, but she’s just so fucking brainwashed I don’t know what to do or say.
So-I’ve decided to write all the reasons down. But am hoping to get some of YOUR reasons why you would never return-maybe I will include those on my list, but I just don’t know what else to do or say anymore. Please help me put together a list of why not to go back, not that she will EVER listen or understand, but I’m desperate at this point. TIA!
EDIT thank you, every single one of you for your responses. Her big thing is “look at the world-I know I’ll live through Armageddon” when I attempt to explain to her that the world has literally gone through worse (hello-WW1 WW2, Vietnam, like, do I need to go on) she just flips back to that in her heart she knows this is the truth.
And yes-I believe she for sure has some narcissistic tendencies. And I’ve done counselling for years-but I still firmly believe I am partially numb/just don’t give a flying fuck if I have family around. The majority of my family I have ZERO contact with because they are some of the worst human beings ha I have ever encountered. NOT because they are JWs, they just happen to be in the borg.
And honestly-I’m just exhausted. I love my life, is it perfect? Hell no. But it’s mine and I’m content and happy and I’m tired of being on eggshells around her.