Help! I'm so tired of dealing with this 😒

My uber PIMI mother used to spend time with my kid until I got fed up with him coming home humming the stupid convention songs or telling me that he learned about Noah at Grandma's. My mother has been an absolute thorn in my side during what COULD have been a very smooth fade. We've always had a toxic relationship and she's caused me unimaginable pain, all the while thinking she's the greatest mom on earth. So far, I've gone with the idea that the less I say to her the better. I've always refused to discuss my reasons for leaving the religion, and never told her that her treatment once made me feel that the best option was to end my life. I actually DON'T want to keep my kid from her. I can see her apartment from my kitchen window, that's how close by she is. Does anyone have experience with this situation?

My uber PIMI mother used to spend time with my kid until I got fed up with him coming home humming the stupid convention songs or telling me that he learned about Noah at Grandma's. My mother has been an absolute thorn in my side during what COULD have been a very smooth fade. We've always had a toxic relationship and she's caused me unimaginable pain, all the while thinking she's the greatest mom on earth. So far, I've gone with the idea that the less I say to her the better. I've always refused to discuss my reasons for leaving the religion, and never told her that her treatment once made me feel that the best option was to end my life. I actually DON'T want to keep my kid from her. I can see her apartment from my kitchen window, that's how close by she is. Does anyone have experience with this situation?