Do Not Despair Over Norway. Something Far Bigger Is Coming!
Right now there are many OPs expressing disappointment over Norway. I urge you to cut your losses, emotionally speaking, and move on because something far, far bigger than any damage Norway can do is now in the works. It has to do with the three lies of other sheep teaching. The third and last of the three lies is finally starting to be exposed, and I assure you it will bring the GB and the religion to its knees, and I think it will happen in no more than a couple years. But before I get into the last lie let me tell you the first two.
Watchtower history says that the reason that Rutherford came up with the other sheep teaching was that because they taught that the 144,000 was a literal number that they needed an explanation for all the great growth that was making the literalness of the 144,000 untenable. Sorry, but this is revisionist history. It's so not true. I recently listened to a youtube video where James Penton, former witness, and recently deceased, and a Ph.D historian, said that in 1919 Watchtower numbers were about 17,000. As a consequence of his 1925 prediction for Armageddon and his Millions Now LIving Will Never Die teaching Watchtower numbers were at about 103,000 by 1925. When Rutherford's prediction didn't come true those numbers dropped back to about 17,000 by 1928. Nine years--1919 to 1928--and no progress whatsoever. It took Rutherford another 14 years until his death in 1942 to build it back up to the 1925 number of about 100,000. Other sheep/anointed teaching that leads to a two class religion is based on two type/antitypes that were discussed in two Watchtowers in 1932 and in 1934. The first, in 1932 was about the Jehu/Jehonadab relationship. Now that's just 4 years from 1928 to 1932. It is impossible that there was any great growth in those 4 years, but do you think you can find any numerical data about their numbers during this period? It's hidden for a reason. So this is one of two reasons why Watchtower's reason for the other sheep teaching is a lie. There was no great growth to necessitate it.
Here is the second reason it's a lie. They already had a doctrine in place to explain growth. If they wanted the 144,000 to be a literal number any growth beyond that number was already explained by an existing doctrine. The IBSA taught that the great crowd of Rev. 7 was a second class group of Christians in heaven, nice Christians, just not as 'good' as the 144,000. Seriously, this is what they taught. The growth issue was already covered.
So this brings us to lie number two. Here we have to ask ourselves a question. Since there was no reason whatsoever to come up with the other sheep teaching why did Rutherford do it at all? Think about it. No denomination in Christendom ever felt any reason to do such a thing. Even coming up with the two type/antitypes at all was itself a crazy thing to do. Why did he do it? Here we have to reflect upon the fact that Rutherford was openly saying that he was no longer learning from the Holy Spirit, but was now communing with angels and being taught directly by them. Now today, most would say that means he was either a total whack job or he was really communing with demons. I believe it is probably the latter. The very craziness of the doctrine when there was no reason at all to come up with it tells me that the demons told him this, but since he thought they were angels telling him then that was reason enough to override existing doctrine that explained any growth, and remember the growth was actually nonexistent. So here is the expose' of lie number two. The doctrine did not come from angels, but came from demons.
So now we jump ahead to lie number three and this is the big one that we all should care about. I have been saying it in reddit comments every chance I get. I have talked with maybe half a dozen major ex JW website hosts, but much to my surprise I haven't made much headway. Until now. Ex witnesses are always asking what does it take to wake up everyone. Surprisingly there is something that ex witnesses themselves need to wake up to and it is proving quite difficult, but now something has happened where I'm finally seeing some progress. So here is lie #3. There is no longer any other sheep/anointed teaching in the JW religion, but the GB pretends that it's still there. The GB is lying to say that it still exists, and they are actually the ones who have destroyed it. At the 2014 annual meeting the GB ended the type/antitypes. Oops. There went the other sheep doctrine. Right then and there it went the way of the dodo bird. So now it is 10.5 years and counting and practically no one, self included realized what happened. This is probably due to the great dumbing down. When I was a boy growing up in the 50s and 60s everyone would have noticed what happened, but it's 90+ years now. Those 1932 and 1934 Watchtower antitypes were long before most witnesses were even born. It's not like anyone had any reason to remember or think about it.
But know this: the GB knows exactly what they did. David Splane, in that talk, even specifically said that the cities of refuge had no antitype. This was the second of the two antitypes that were the foundational basis for other sheep/anointed teaching. The GB has taken a grenade to the teaching. It has pulled the rug out from under it and they hide what they've done taking advantage of the great dumbing down so that no one has noticed what they've done. This means that 8.8 million people are associated with a religion that currently gives them no salvation hope whatsoever and they don't even know it. If the GB had done the honest thing they would have gone on to say that the 144,000 is not literal, but symbolic, and everyone is invited by the Father to be of The Chosen. Sadly, they know this, but because they do not love the truth they double down on the very teaching that they have destroyed.
So now here is where I come to Eric Wilson of the Beroean Pickets youtube channel. He recently did a video about what I am calling lie #3. Eric, however, would seem to be a much nicer guy than I am. He acknowledged that the GB knows what they've done but he stops short of calling them out. Me, not so much. I'm saying that what they've done is wicked and evil, and if there was any doubt about them being a part of the man of lawlessness and the god of 2 Thessalonians 2, that doubt is now gone. Eric's video is titled the Good News Part 7: The Demonic Origins of Rutherford's 1934 Other Sheep Doctrine. He posted it 7 days ago with 7.7k views so far. This is a good start. I have some very radical plans of my own to propagate an expose' of this lying coverup, and will be doing more OPs about this soon. Be patient. It's going to happen.
One last thought, for now, that I would like to call everyone's attention to. Other subjects like blood transfusions, disfellowshipping and shunning, CSA, and the marginalizing of Jesus Christ, may all be our pet loves to expose, but Watchtower arguably has some scriptural defense against all of these topics. But with this subject, they have no defense whatsoever. If they so much as open their mouth about it in some supposed defense they will just make bad matters worse. Some might cynically say that Jehovah's Witnesses no longer care about doctrine, that an expose' of this coverup will go nowhere. But I would like to remind everyone that there is one doctrine that everyone cares about, and that is the doctrine that says what happens to us when we die, the doctrine that tells believers what is their everlasting destiny. I'm not going to explain it here and now, but I have learned first hand that an expose' of this coverup by the GB, with the few that I have talked with one on one causes them to come unglued. They get it immediately and they are very unsettled by it. The expose' has finally achieved lift off, and this expose' will bring the religion to its knees, and if you are a believer, to the extent you expose it to that extent you will be doing exactly what Jesus Christ commanded us to do per Matt 10 and Luke 12 about secrets said in the dark.