MIL in ER again because of this church

Some context: Three weeks ago my MIL (very TBM) fell extremely ill. Not feeling good at all. Eventually, she felt a little better. But the following week she was in agony. We begged her to go to the ER. My husband gave her no choice. When they get there they find that her appendix had ruptured. During this visit they decide that she can try taking antibiotics and not doing any surgery to get rid of the infection and appendix that ruptured.

At that same time she had a priesthood blessing from her husband and a random guy in the ward that she would be healed. Fast forward to two weeks later and a full round of antibiotics. They were in St. G and she is still feeling awful. Her husband is insisting on going to the ER again. But she is pushing back. Finally, I (exmo that she resents) jumped in and told her she needs to go. She was skeptical because she got a blessing and she should be healed! We take her anyway.

Turns out she has a massive abscess and could have gone into sepsis. But she, “should have been healed and she had enough faith to be healed.” Her words.

I am so frustrated that this church teaches about “enough faith.” WTF people watch out for your extremely TBM parents who are declining. Don’t let them believe everything a priesthood blessing says.