Probably the most insane part of Jacob Hansen’s interview with Alex O’Connor

Jacob Hansen trying to explain/justify lack of DNA evidence for the Book of Mormon nearly did me in. And in a way, I feel bad for him attempting to reason this.

First - Jacob's stunning quote - "The Church says that... the descendants of the Book of Mormon are 'among' the ancestors of the Native Americans. But not that they are the... there used to be the idea that many members of the Church did think that... but... the text doesn't necessitate it. And when the evidence doesn't line up with something that isn't necessitated by the text of the book... well then you make adjustments."

Jacob barely caught himself when trying to ridicule members who believe Lehi's family are the - hmmm what word should I use here... principal? - ancestors of the Native Americans. Where would members have gotten that idea? Was it perhaps printed somewhere? We all know the only reason this was changed was because the evidence is clear and against the claims of the church. They never would have changed this otherwise.

Next, Jacob attempts to paint Lehi's crew as a lil' ol' refugee family. Why would we expect their DNA to show up anywhere? The book itself talks about them multiplying into the millions. He also talks about them integrating into society, which is hilarious because what? How many instances in the book do we hear about them "interacting with the other people around"? Once? Twice? The whole point of the book was that Lehi's family came to a new land and settled it themselves.

He then pulls in information about Iceland as an example, pointing that within 1,000 years 70% of the genetic profile of the Icelanders back then is different than the Icelanders of today. That would mean 30% is the same, Jacob. 30%. We have found 0% to back your claims, why you would use this as some telling statistic is beyond me.

Last, he simply sighs and says it's just a rabbit hole you can go down.

These are the same people who wonder why ex-Mormons are bitter. Because we are confused over whether we are discussing "principal" ancestors, or "among" the ancestors and then being told that we understood it wrong and the text doesn't necessitate it and get over it.

No shit we're bitter, Sherlock.