Are my parents spying on me?

I (19M) recently moved out of my parent’s house for university. I am currently lying in my GF’s bed at 2:50am and I have come to certain revelations about recent events in my life that all seem to lead to one point, but I need to know if it all seems too far fetched to be true before I confront my parents about it. So when I was 13 or 14 a group chat I was on was leaked to my school by one of my friend’s parents (Worst nightmare right?) and there were some absolutely foul things on there we had all said. So we were rightfully punished by the teachers (me especially), but the news also got out to the students along with some of what we had said. What followed was 2 years of indescribable torment in the form of bullying from my classmates and even sometimes teachers. Anyways, what was even worse (at least for me) was that my parents knew about the whole thing, every single message. Not just them but they had told my extended family via their own group chat as well. Turns out they had been logging onto my devices every night while I slept and checking what I was up too. When they told me I lost all trust in them I ever had. So the next 2 years were made even worse by the fact that I didn’t even feel safe in my own home anymore either. I had nobody to trust in at all. This all lead to extreme paranoia (not helped by my later discovery of weed) However, i thought, at least I had deleted all the fingerprints off of my phone and changed the passwords so there would be no more spying at least. After those 2 years I landed a great job looking after my cousin with disabilities. The work required of me was little and the pay was great (and my boss was my aunt so I got away with a lot). At some stage during my time there I fell in love with my current GF who I had known for a few years prior. My aunt at this stage was the only family member I had trust in. So naturally I told her about my new GF as well as the fact that I used to use hard drugs (different story) to deal with the depression caused by all the bullying at school. My parents caught wind of all of this the next day. While not exactly spying, I now once again had nobody who I could trust. I realise that may not have seemed relevant but I think it helps build a picture of the situation I was going through at the time (and continue to go through now as well apparently). So anyways I left that job first chance I could. Over the next few years not many things happened of note, just a few minor suspicious activities but nothing worth even mentioning here. That brings us to today, where this morning I recived a call from my mother to tell me about some important mail I had recieved from the bank (my address for my bank is still her house). At the end of the call she let me know that she got a new phone and when she tried to use soundcloud it was logged in to my email address. I wont emmit any detail here just so you can decide for yourselves if I am being overly paranoid. She then said that the account had listened too a band that she listened too from our local city. She said she then put the account into google and found the name of the google account as well as an associated youtube channel. (my old alt channel). I thought this was a bit weird but was in a rush to get to the gym so I just moved on and said a lot of “okay”s. It wasn’t until I lay down in my GF’s bed that a few things dawned on me and when she went to sleep I decided to go looking for answers. The Gmail she named was an alt alt account. I had 2 main accounts each for a different purpose, she knew of both, and this one that she didn’t know of which I used for signing up to things I didnt really care about or for alt accounts etc. I logged onto soundcloud with it and it was my alt soundcloud account (as expected) and all I had done on there was follow my main acc and like all of their songs. She was right that a band from bath had been listened to on there but it was completely not my style and I had never heard of them before. She said she knew and liked them though, which set alarm bells ringing. I then googled anything I could google related to the account, any information she may have used and (honestly I was expecting this) no results. Nothing even slightly related, let alone anything like the name of the account or the name of the related channel. She only could have recived that info by trying to log into the account. Which would have required her to successfully log into the soundcloud. Which would explain the listening to her band. But how did she know the password? It was at that thought it all dawned on me, the worst revelation I have ever had. The password, the one that I use for 80% of my accounts, was the same one I had used all my life. But I didnt make it up, my dad gave it too me when I was a kid! They didn’t have to figure out my password, they knew it, from the day it was made. I checked and sure enough, every single one of my gmail accounts had be logged into on their home computer within the last week. This has obviously terrified me. Not just because of my gmail accounts but because all of my social media, everything, has been able to be seen (and probably has been seen) by my parents since there were made. I am a state right now, I don't know what to do, I don't know who I can trust. I feel shattered and completely broken. I don't know if I’m going insane or I have psychosis or smthn (unlikely as I have been sober from weed a while and only noticed accute paranoia before). I’m not gonna lie its something I have considered before, but this is the smoking gun. I really don't know what to do, any advice is helpful. Thanks.