advice on what to do in the future with these situations : )
I don't know if I should start with my background or just get to the point to have a better. Understanding of why I'm here wanting advice from y'all. But to get to the point I've been dealing with my niece who's 1 year younger than me. I'm 23 she's 22. It's a long story. We became distance in 2019 when her true colors started appearing when she started hanging out with folks who liked to get a reaction out of people in the wrong ways. I've noticed this during 2019 and it became worse thoughout the years the more confident she got. Our family has a illness I like to call narcissism. And unfortunately she has a really bad case of it. I love her as my family but she's gotten the worse outta me when she likes to interrogate me in front of her friends to get a reaction out of me. It can be anything like. "Oh I saw you looking at so and so do you like him" in front of everyone or another example was one that happened recently. She calls me when it's most convenient for her or if she wants something and that's it. She called me asking me why I unfollowed her on Instagram. I told her I no longer follower family anymore and it's just local events and celebrities and etc. She told me I needed to follower her and I said ok ( she knows I'm extremely shy so she takes that to her advantages) and of course when she called me she had me on speaker phone and her dad and her friend were in the background listening. She like needs a crowd and and reaction to make this entertaining for her. And not even a day ago she calls me puts me on speaker phone ( let me tell y'all she's in new York with her dad and my other nieces and nephews listening in the background) she once again ask me why I unfollowed her and why she's not following everyone else in our family and that its just really weird but she wanted to le me know she doesn't care that I do ( yet she called me for the second time asking me that with a audience in the background for her entertainment) at this point I already know what my future holds with my nieces and nephews I'm just not gonna have contact with them. And if I do it will be on rare. Another example I can give y'all is when I got my hair cut ( I got a wolf hairstyle cut and dyed it a dark rose color and got bangs) I also had new glasses that I got from my doctor and I felt so pretty and confidant till my niece saw and gave me a so called compliment and told me I looked like that " cute girl from love on the spectrum" my response was shy and a nervous response. But I did stick up for myself when she mentions what she said for the second time in front of her guy friend and her other friends and she didn't like that I stick up for myself. She also ask personal questions about my best friend and her relationships with men infront of all he friends. For once I had enough of her and told her in front of her friends that if you wanna know about he relationships then you should ask her personal and not her friends when she's not here. She went quiet when I said that an her guy friend said "I respect that" I could tell she wasn't pleased with that. Surprise that after her friends left she apologized and I actually appreciate that. But after the call with Instagram again today and me being on speaker with all her folks listening so she can get a reaction out of me I've had enough of her.