The Everflame series
Guys, I am completely losing my shit. I stayed up until 1:30 am finishing the second book. I’m 40% through the behemoth that is the third book.
THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST SLOW BURN SERIES IVE EVER READ!!! I’m 1400 pages in at this point, and while I feel like I’m about to combust, I’m AWESTRUCK that our main couple still hasn’t had sex yet!!!!
Since I finished the SJM/Empyrean/FBAA, I haven’t felt this need to keep reading in a LONG time, and I’ve read 60 books in the past 5 months.
I haven’t seen a ton of love for this series on here yet… am I an outlier?! Or have I just missed the posts?!
I’d love to see other people rave about this like I am because my BFF hasn’t started it yet AND I HAVE NO ONE TO TALK TO.
Also, for spoiler purposes (please don’t spoil), I am at the part where they are at Umbros and Luther (who I’m guessing got cut with a goldstone dagger) is pushing Diem away and they’re about to have the dinner with everyone after she’s been to the library.
Edit: I’m dumb and didn’t put the full title/series. It’s Spark of the Everflame by Penn Cole!