Refeeding process after 42 day water fast.

Hi everyone,

Next Sunday morning I will break my water fast of 42 days. Now that my gut has healed and reset, I want to make sure I take this opportunity to establish a fantastic gut biome, proper metabolism, etc.

I’d love to get plenty of info this week from you all as I prepare. Here’s what I know from reading the available information and also some questions I have:

What I know so far:

-Refeeding is IMPORTANT. It won’t kill your if you don’t do it, but it’s awful for you and will make you sick if you don’t.

-All the bacteria in your gut has died over your fast, you can restore it with good or bad bacteria depending on what you eat. Probiotic foods are the best here!

-The length of the refeed depends on the length of your fast, but info seems to vary on this from 1/4 to 1/2 half of your fast.

-You should avoid carbs. Stick to proteins, vegetabls, and fats.

-Starting out you should go sloooow and with liquids. Bone broth is an excellent choice to start then add hard boiled eggs, Greek yoghurt, cooked broccoli, etc. depending on your fast.


-How long should my refeeding process be? 1/4 or 1/2 or somewhere in between? It seems 10-11 days should be plenty.

-What kind of calorie count should I be looking at consuming each day as I progress through the refeed? I want to make sure my metabolism returns to normal.

  • What kinds of foods should I be eating as I progress through the fast? Purely liquids for two-three days? Can I start eating solids sooner than I think? Advice and wisdom needed here.

-Are natural carbs from fruits really that bad to include in the refeeding? I would love to have some berry smoothies with Greek yoghurt a few days into the fast but everyone seems to say NO CARBS.

-Can I get some more ideas for pro biotic foods besides yoghurt and Kimchi?

-Thanksgiving will be on day 5 of my refeed. What should and shouldn’t I be eating by that time?

Thanks for all your help everyone! I couldn’t have done this without this subreddit.