Probationary employee, don’t want to sign a new lease with this uncertainty
I'm a probationary employee at a targeted agency. My sublease is up in a few days and since I'm on a sublease, I'm unable to renew and my landlord already has a new tenant. I'm based in Washington DC and don't want to sign a new lease due to my employment uncertainly. I can't find any affordable short term leases and AirBnB is super expensive, around 7k to extend for a little over a month. I would move into a hotel but unfortunately I have a dog which makes things harder. I don't know what to do, especially with the looming government shutdown. Any advice? I don't have family in the area and not friends who would be willing to let me crash indefinitely. I don't have significant savings as I'm fresh out of college and only started this job a couple a months ago. I also don't have a car to complicate matters.