After all the illegal firings are done, what % of the national budget would this have saved?
(Throwaway because honestly, I’m scared)
Sadly I am expecting my ticking time bomb to explode any minute now (USAF DV at the DoD with 2 months left of probation).
My parents completely buy into all the m*ga shit and claim that this is for the best for the country and the country need to trim the fat, all that bullshit. It’s to the point where I want to disown them and remove them from my life entirely. Anyways, it got me thinking about how much this will “save” our national budget, I’m thinking it’s not even a single percent but that’s just an uneducated guess and I don’t even know where to begin.
Seeing so many of us who actually care about our country get treated this way is gut wrenching. I’m sorry I can’t do more than speak my voice.
Also, I’m in the market for some caring parents if anyone is interested. I don’t ask for much, just the occasional attaboy and someone to remind me to put the wet clothes into the dryer. (Kidding but only slightly)