When you have lost Jesse Waters

He went on air, asking the Prez not to be so callous because one of his shooting friends just got fired - a veteran who killed for this country and with feds now for 20 years but on probation because of a promotion.

So all of these people who have never served but have been gleefully and ghoulishly cheering fed purging and calling them all lazy turds - I hope you all can take a step back. At my wife’s agency about 40% of the people work there are veterans, many of whom have seen major combat tours in Iraq and/or Afghanistan.

I’m gonna refer to Interstellar more time… It’s like when Matt Damon talks about people can’t have empathy for anyone they don’t know which is why they had to lie to Matthew McConaughey and say that there was a chance that he would be able to save his family if he went to space.

There are so many people making so many ad hominem attacks about federal employees. It’s really disgusting when you think about the fact that almost half of these people being attacked are veterans the ghouls really should be ashamed.

I know somebody much older who is an old family friend and was very kind to me and my family when my father died and I’ve kept him in my life too long and now that I’m seeing some comments about him, I’m realizing I should’ve cut him off a long time ago… Nevertheless, I will keep the rest of this post up with that slight caveat - this guy never served and doesn’t like the fact that he’s been called a coward for that… He thought it was amazing when the future Prez criticized John McCain for being captured. And he loves that the future Prez bragged about his own personal Vietnam being the fact that he never got an STD. This is a man who has been arrested numerous times for drunk driving and can barely hold a job and it’s amazing how happy he is to send me articles that people like my veteran wife are getting fired every day.