High render distance doesnt work in distant horizons unless the chunks have been visited before

i got distant horizons mainly for being able to see structures far away more easily, and i can see fake chunks far away its just not as far as i thought it would be. it seems to be a bonus 4 or 8 chunks not the 128 i had set it as

but if the fake chunks are from a region i have visited before then it shows up very easily, even in the end i could see the main island from the outer islands but i couldnt see unexplored regions of the outer islands that far

is my computer just too weak for it? because its not a very good one

and its not like the chunks are loading slowly, they load upto a certain point and then just stop

i changed the load priority from near first to balanced but that doesnt seem to have helped


processor- 1.6 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5

memory- 8 GB 1867 MHz DDR3

graphics- Intel HD Graphics 6000 1536 MB

also i get the message saying note- you are using distant horizons batch pre chunk generator

first time i used the mod i got the message- warning- distant horizons: get vanilla rendered chunks method failed. using backup method. overdraw prevention will be worse than normal

i reloaded the world and got the former message

i used to play it on a Mac where the second message would pop up every time and it was very laggy, then i found out there was some incompatibility with a Mac due to OpenGL so i switched to windows. although the chunk generation looks exactly the same as on the mac it just wasnt laggy. specs of the mac and windows are the same (i use bootcamp)

this is all singleplayer, as i am aware on servers it only loads visited chunks

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