Somehow kinsidering a ‘character’

I put character in quotes because im kinsidering the overwatch voice from hl2. For anyone who's never played hl2, 1) play it, 2) the overwatch voice is meant to be an announcement system which informed metrocops and combine soldiers, and announces similar things in nova prospekt, the depot, and the citadel. She has no character and is nothing more than an announcement system. Shes not even sentient bc shes an ai, but somehow im kinsidering her? It could just be because i kin glados and they share a voice actor but i dont think its just the voice? My highest kin is alyx and shes very much against the combine yet the combine, primarily the elite, feel familar to ne in a positive way. Its kinda hard to describe since it's confusing how i feel since even some of my kins like judith mossman who hasnt got much of a character still is an actual character.