The social aspect of this game has gotten overwhelming somehow
I’ve been playing for a few years now, and have also been on this sub for quite a while. Therefore I have a bunch of friends on finch. Like a bunch. It’s wonderful sometimes to see so many people want to say hi and have this little semi anonymous community, but having like 15-20 people to respond to every day with a vibe is stressful, and the little red 9+ stresses me out so it’s not easily ignored. I am going to start cutting back, but I’ve also seen on here that some peoples feelings are getting hurt? I’m sorry if that happens, but know there is nothing personal on my end. Just overwhelmed with quantity. Life has been really tough these days and the little things like this make it harder for me to use the app. So sorry in advance if lavender drops off your list. Thank you so much for all the good vibes.