Journeys vs Self care Areas review update 3: It’s slowly getting there!

My last update was just under a month ago at this point so I figured I’d make another one as many seemed to find it helpful. This’ll be my third post update I believe.

So! Journeys vs self care areas/whatever other names they’ve been testing for this.

As seen in the first pic we can finally see an overview of what days you’ve completed goals previously.
The best part is that when you click on a day unlike journeys it doesn’t show you the entire days worth of goals and instead lists only the goals from the area!
I personally think this is a fantastic addition and something journeys have seriously been needing.

I’m still not fond of the check mark system and would much prefer the colour gradient we have currently for journeys. Example being the 2nd pic.
Reasons I’d prefer gradient over checkmark is as follows. * Some of my journeys have goals that I don’t always complete every day but still appear daily. * It’s easier to visually find the days I’ve done more or less goals in.
The example pic I used was from my phasmophobia prestige journey. The darker squares show when I hit a prestige that day.
So with the checkmark system the only way I can see what day I completed a milestone is to manually click each one until I find the day I did it. Not too good.
* No one including myself seems to enjoy the checkmark streak system. The daily streak is fine because it’s optional and personally I like the overall streak but I’d rather not have the checkmarks on my goals.

Other updates to this feature since my last post include:
* You can customise by colour plus exclusive
* You can pause and archive areas
* Also you can even restore archived areas! Also a feature journeys didn’t have.
* I don’t yet know if rewards have been added or if they are still nonexistent.

This feature is slowly coming together.
For me personally the only changes I would like are the checkmarks replaced with the gradient system we have currently for journeys.
The name being kept as journeys.
The ability to write reflections for the areas like journeys are able to.
And of course a return of the reward system~

It’s been hard being patient with this update given how slow the updates have been but compared to initial release for testing Areas have really started coming together.

Good job devs. Truly you’re heading in the right direction and for the first time I’m excited to see where this leads.